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Uberの創業者/元CEOであるTravis Kalanick氏が立ち上げたスタートアップで、グローバルなフードテック市場を開拓しています。国内では、独自のブランドである「KitchenBase」として、共有キッチン市場をリードしており、Salesチームと一緒に新しいチームメンバーを募集しています。AccountExecutiveは新規リードの契約締結とEnd-to-End Sales Cycleを全体的に担当する中核的なポジションです。

At KitchenBase, we're dedicated to creating commercial kitchens designed specifically for food delivery, Commissary, Catering, Test marketing, and other versatile business purposes. We present a low-risk, minimal upfront investment, and substantial potential for growth, providing a golden opportunity for small to medium-sized F&B operators to initiate and expand their culinary ventures, be it a restaurant or a flourishing food delivery enterprise.


  • 高品質で数量の多いアウトバウンドアウトリーチ(Cold Visit & Call)を活用した質の高い見込み顧客の発掘と営業パイプラインの構築
  • 市場調査を実施し、優先順位を決定し、コールドリードに対応し、割り当てられたリードにリアルタイムで応答し、TTFCアウトリーチでインバウンド90秒SLAを達成
  • 価格メソッドに対する理解を通じて、顧客に売上を保証できる積極的な売上増加に貢献し、特に複数地域の注文をする顧客との価格交渉を行います
  • 価値ベースの販売戦略を適用して収益を最大化し、私たちの製品の価値を認識させ、既存の顧客との関係強化による新規営業機会を創出します
  • Salesforceを含むダッシュボードを活用した内部データの整理と管理、およびレポートの提供



  • 月次クローズ獲得数 (Monthly Close Won)
  • 毎日のFTC(施設ツアー完了数)
  • 毎日のFTS(施設ツアー予約数)
  • 毎日のアカウント開拓数 (Daily Accounts Prospected)
  • 毎日のアクティビティ数 (Daily Activity)
  • 毎日の接続済み通話数 (Daily Connected Calls)
  • 毎日の新規商談機会数 (Daily New Created Opportunities)
  • 毎日の新規交渉件数 (Daily New Negotiations)


- 2 - 7年間の営業、ビジネス開発、またはアカウント管理の経験を持つ方

- 結果重視で、ハッスル精神と柔軟性がある方

- セールスの専門知識と顧客志向で、共感力と真摯さを重視し、関係構築に傾向がある方

What you’ll do

  • Provide high quality and quantity of outbound outreach to prospective customers(provided list).
  • Vet lead list for warm and cold leads, conduct market research to prioritize and warm cold leads, respond to assigned leads in real-time, aspiring to hit our SLA of 90s inbound to TTFC outreach.
  • Understand our pricing methodology discounting guardrails to ensure sales that positively contribute to the unit's economic profile. Negotiate prices with clients, particularly those with bulk multi-location orders.
  • Apply value-based selling tactics to maximize revenue while illustrating the value of our product. Gracefully overcoming objections.
  • Manage own pipeline in Salesforce, removing stale pipe with an accurate closed lost reason, providing weekly sales goal report.
  • Actively participate in meetings and training to improve your own performance and the performance of others.

KPIs Include:

  • Monthly Close won
  • Daily FTCs (Facility Tour Completions)
  • Daily FTS (Facility Tour Scheduled)
  • Daily Accounts Prospected
  • Daily Activity
  • Daily Connected Calls
  • Daily New Created Opportunities 
  • Daily New Negotiations

What we’re looking for

  • 2-7 years of working experience in sales, business development, or account management.
  • Result-driven, hustle, resilience. 
  • Highly professional and polished with the customer base, empathetic and authentic, and strong propensity for relationship building.

    Why join us
  • Changing the restaurant industry: You’ll be part of a team that helps restaurants succeed in online food delivery. 
  • Collaborative environment: You will receive support and guidance from experienced colleagues and managers, helping you to learn, grow, and achieve your goals, and you’ll work closely with other teams to ensure our customers’ success.

What else you need to know




This is an onsite role based in our Tokyo location. We believe that people do their best work when they are together. As a company, we’re in the marketplace of ideas and innovation. When you’re constantly innovating, changing how an industry works, inventing new products and processes - and we are doing all these things - we believe we’re better as a team in person. That’s why all of our teams are now working from one of our facility/office locations 5 days a week. Looking forward to sharing more about a Career of Substance at KitchenBase!! Ready to join us as we serve those who serve others?
